Archive for the Daily Updates Category

Predestined to be

Posted in Inspirational on October 10, 2009 by windysr

Most people would call it LUCK

Being superstitious,Β i’d call itΒ GOOD FORTUNE

SERENDIPITY, if i’m being melancholic

all in all, i’d believe it’s just PREDESTINED TO BE one πŸ™‚

Some Quizzes..Iseng2 Berhadiah ^^

Posted in Daily Updates, Uncategorized on April 26, 2009 by windysr

What is the theme song of your life?

“Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield The I-Live-Life-To-The-Fullest-And-I-Am-HAPPY type! You live life to the max, and you live each day like its your last. You forget the rules and just go for it, and want to experience it all before it all disappears… Your life is a book… and your writing it! Love it, make it, work it, and shape it… you make it what YOU want! Don’t forget a happy ending though!

Which Fairytale are you?

You are jack and the beanstalk! You lived poorly until you sold your cow for some magic beans that made a beanstalk grew, you adventured up it and found the home of a giant where you were almost eaten by it then you collected the goose that laid the golden eggs and you took that home then chopped down the beanstalk so the giant couldn’t get you. You are brave and very adventurous but cheeky in ways you do whats best for everyone and aren’t selfish but you are a teaser.

What type of girl are you? A good girl!

You are a good girl! You are a generally nice person and everyone loves you. You know how to have fun but you know when enough is enough. You are bright and intelligent and success is always on your side!

“A good girl deserves a good guy” – Rayvin Hsu

When will you get married?”Β  Early 20s.

You will get married earilier in life rather than later, You are probably romantic and love the idea of marriage and having someone to spend your life with!


Posted in Daily Updates on March 29, 2009 by windysr

Check out my journey towards 1st draft of FYP. They really speak from within πŸ˜›

still analyzing my raw data..yet they are so raw..not even cooked yet >___<

still have another 22 hours..yozh!

still processing my raw data..realizing tt anything raw is not good at all..haha.. anyway, listening to ‘on my knees’ brings relief..fiuhhh

@m3nny5 hukzzz..iyahh men!! think wont be able to sleep tonite..haiiizzzzzz..menn..needs a hug >__<

@duta09 ga bisa panggang oi dut..ntar gosong loh

@alderina hehehe..puyeng oi ron..lagi ngerjain berbagai macam grafik..hukss..kamu kesini ron bantuin aku bikin

@ceciliasetiawan cieeee ceciiill..lagi hot oiii

@m3nny5 hahahaa..lagi ribet2nya bikin report malah maen twitter..paraahhh

@alderina duh ron..napsu makan ilang oi gara2 skripsi gila ini..huhuhuhuhu

@m3nny5 tai2 ga nyuci baju pake tangan loh menn..hahaha..laundry langsung..kalo ga beli baju dipakenya skali doank πŸ˜›

really likes what Ishak said… “really unpredictable, a woman of mystery” cool huh?!

got a conviction, “Arise and begin working, The Lord be with you!”

@cyndymessah blajar oi cyn..malah maen twitter

@Raffin04 fin..di update dunk twitter nya..hehe

check out this cool link! if he can do it, i can do it!

@alderina roooonnn..kesepiaaaannn

@alderina haha..iya ron pusing oi bikinnya..hukzz

@alderina makanmu enak tenan ron..bagiiii!!

@alderina iiiiihhh..gag banget ron kamuuu..jahat yoo..mengen2i aku gituu

@alderina emosi banget loh roonn..dari tadi kamu ngomongin makanan terus..haha

@m3nny5 knapa men?? marah2 ama sapa aja emgnya?

@m3nny5 btw gw jgn kena dimarah2in juga yakk..huhuhuhu

@alderina drowned abis my thesis πŸ˜›

@philpringle Anyway, your blog inspires me so much. I’m praying for one “suddenly” moment to happen in my cell group as well πŸ™‚

@alderina aku makan ayam penyet loh ron..ada makanan enak jg disini..haha

@alderina aku makan ayam penyet loh ron..ada makanan enak jg disini..haha

@m3nny5 wedeee..udh 21 lohh..senyum banyak2 men πŸ™‚

time is showing 2:25 yep..i’ll give my best shot!

“You have to believe in yourself! If you dont believe in yourself, nobody is going to believe what you are trying to put for.” -Benny Ninja

@m3nny5 wedeeee…yg di twitter di reply juga lohhh

finally submitted my FYP draft.Wanted to breathe but cant >__< tmrw SOT will start n 3 more assignments gotta be done by wednesdayyy..aaaa..